Custom Rituals

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What is a Custom Ritual Reading?



Accurate Tarot Card Readings

$40 – 15 minutes

This combination gives you an opportunity for personalized reading and a customized ritual.   Prior to your reading please email us at and tell us what kind of ritual you are looking for and a little about your situation.  The reason for this is so that when it is time to create your Custom Ritual  and during your reading you will not only get a reading about your situation but it will also include explaining the situation and how to proceed with the ritual. Please Note: Price does not include any materials needed for the ritual. (However, we do have access to a supplier for your ritual needs).
We do not perform the ritual for you. You have the greatest power for success in your ritual!

Practical Magic – The Power of Spells and Rituals

The How’s and Why’s of Performing Your Own Spells and Rituals
Rituals and Spells are often marketed as the magical – quick fix solution for problems that feel out of our control. In fact, the three most favored answers for what most people think of when they think of spells are:

Mystical Being

Most people identify spells with the people who cast them. So when we are desperate, as we sometimes are- we are tempted to pay these people to act on our behalf. This Does Not Work!

Rituals and Spells work best if you perform them yourself! Why?

You have a vested interest in your problem. The matter at hand is certainly more important to you than the person you are paying.
When you perform your own ritual you are linking your unconscious to your conscious. More specifically, taking the time to perform your own ritual makes you more aware of what you desire and sub-consciously gets you motivated to attain your goals.

We perform spells and rituals everyday. Think about it. People obsess. The problem is most of the time we obsess negatively. Therefore, we receive negative results. If we focus our consciousness on obtaining positive outcomes, they are more apt to occur.

Spells and Rituals are Magic and what makes Magic? Our Brain.
“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen”
– Frank Lloyd Wright

Free Love Ritual

When we think of love and romance think hearts, chocolate, romantic music – set the stage

Bring New Love In Ritual:
Pink candles
Rose quartz
Bath salts in your favorite scent preferably flower scented
Romantic music CD
Positive affirmation
Gather your material and dedicate a time each day to visualize your desires. I suggest bath time since water is an emotional conduit. The perfect time to relax and visualize your romantic desires.

Let Go of a Past Love:

Sometimes we need to let go of someone who holds our heart captive before we can embark on a new adventure. For those of you who are trapped by the past or miserable in the present try Honeysuckle in your bath and oregano in your food.

Get In Touch

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(215) 892-6016



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