Numerology Readings

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Numerology • Birthday Meanings • Name Meanings


“Nature Geometrizes” – Pythagoras

Accurate Tarot Card Readings

$40 – 15 minutes

Numerology – A Mathematical Approach to Decoding Your Future

Numerology is one of the oldest forms of divination. More specifically, it is the science of interpreting the laws of nature and the human spirit to discern pattern of thoughts, behaviors and situations. Predating even the most fundamental sciences and philosophies, numerology can be traced back to Egypt, India, Rome, Greece and China.

Pythagoras, “The Father of Mathematics,” popularized numerology. He believed that all numbers contained certain mystical, innate properties and that there was nothing that the analysis between the relationships of numbers could not reveal. The Pythagorean method of numerology remains the most popular among modern numerologists today – primarily by focusing on assigning value to names, and birthdates and translating the results.

What you can learn from a numerology reading:

  • Numerology can clarify your practical and spiritual life path
  • Reveal innate qualities, talents and challenges about you and others
  • Assess compatibility in terms of relationships, career decisions & love
  • Assess when and where the best times for you to implement changes are in the areas of: career, relationship or self-growth
  • Reveal your personal auspicious days, colors, locations and dates

**This is a good substitute for an Astrology reading if you are missing exact birth date information (location or time of birth)

How to prepare for a numerology reading:

Define the purpose of your reading. Prepare a list of questions. Think about what area of your life you want clarified.

Organize important information. Because numerology relies heavily on birthday meanings and name meanings, your reading will flow more smoothly if you have that information on hand.
Select a Numerology Reader you feel you can connect with.

Take notes on your reading. This will allow you to absorb and recall the information your reader provides without second-guessing.

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